Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My minty fresh hand.....

So I was sitting at work this morning and I kept getting a whiff of a light minty smell.  For the life of me I couldn't figure it out.  I wasn't chewing gum, I hadn't put on chapstick, so naturally I started searching to see if some nefarious blob of toothpaste has somehow worked it's way onto my clothing somewhere.  After completing the body search and finding no toothpaste where it should not be, I happened to rub my nose and realized it was my hand!  Now how did my hand come to be minty fresh you ask?  Well after thinking for a moment I realized it must be my spiffy new toothbrush.  This toothbrush isn't your normal run of the mill toothbrush....oh no....it is a special toothbrush.....for it is a SCENTED toothbrush.  Why does a toothbrush need to be scented you ask?  Well I can think of no good reason whatsoever for a toothbrush to be mint scented other than to entice some dumb schmuck to buy it because is smells good.  I personally bought the toothbrush because is was a rockin' shade of pink with awesome blue accents, oh and because it cost $2.89 as opposed to the rest of the toothbrush selection which topped the 4 dollar mark.  When I got it home I thought...eh...mint scented toothbrush....weird.  Now, however, that I have noticed that the mint fragrance is leaching into my skin I am wondering what exactly do they do to a toothbrush to impregnate it with a delightful minty freshness?  What are the long term effects of this minty fragrance?  Is there such a thing as mint poisoning?  Yes....these are all things that I sat and thought about at work.  Ok, so not the mint poisoning thing, but I was on a roll here so I thought I'd throw that one in.  The end.

1 comment:

  1. you can go blind from mint poisoning just like on a Christmas Story with the soap, better watch out it could be worse it could be onion flavored
