Sunday, March 13, 2011

I hesitate to post this....

......for fear of the jealousy it may spark in many of you who read it, but I just have to share my news.  We stopped to pick up our mail today after church and there was a treasure waiting for me.  What was it you ask?  Well you see, it was a chance for me to save the Lakota Children.....and with that chance I also received a bounty of gifts.

Stickers, a calendar, notebooks and the Piece de Resistance.....A genuine DREAM CATCHER!  I am ECSTATIC!!!  Feathers, pseudo buckskin, and even little wind chimes!  I am beside myself with joy.  In case you're not familiar please feast upon this fine literature that accompanied my treasure:

But it doesn't stop there...oh no....there is more if you can believe it.  I also got a certificate and a genuine (computer generated) authentic letter from a honest to goodness Lakota child.  

How can I possibly turn down such an opportunity?  They even took the time to find a font that looked like an 11 year old wrote it......and dammit....they drink too much!  

I'm going to go admire my dream catcher now while I ponder this, but I'll leave you with some parting words...... 

Wakan Tanka Kici Un


  1. haha! So funny! You gave Kendall and I a good laugh!

    Kendall says, "Someone once said they had about 12 pair of dream catchers in their drawer.". LOL!!!
